Experience nature and tranquillity
ist wie ein Schweden en miniatur!
Mit nur 17 Einwohner pro Quadratkilometer (zum Vergleich: Holland und England mit 395 Einwohner/km²) ist Värmland ein recht ruhiges Plätzchen. Hier finden Sie grossartige Natur, meilenweite zusammenhängende Waldgebiete und Flüsse, die durch Gebirge und Flachland fliessen.
In der Region wohnen viele verschiedene Vogelarten, sowie Bieber, Elche, Bären, Wölfe und Luchse. Auch der seltene Vielfrass wurde in den letzten Jahren ein paar mal in der Gegend um Ekshärad gesichtet.
Davon abhängig, welche Jahreszeit Sie wählen um uns zu besuchen, besteht die Möglichkeit unterschiedliche Beeren und Pilzen zu sammeln, sowie Steinpilze, Preiselbeeren und Multbeeren.
Im Klarälvental finden Sie viele Möglichkeiten um die Natur und die Umgebungen zu geniessen.
Gerne helfen wir Ihnen einen Angelschein zu erwerben. Wussten Sie übrigens schon, dass im Moment ein grosses Projekt stattfindet, dessen Ziel es ist den Wildlachs in den Klarälven zurückzubringen? An verschiedenen Plätzen entlang des Flusses werden Lachse ausgesetzt – einer dieser Plätze ist in Byn.
Die ruhigen Strassen und Pfade können Sie mit dem Fahrrad erforschen. Machen Sie doch einen Tagesausflug zum Elchpark! Im Elchpark lernen Sie den König des Waldes so richtig nahe kennen. Falls Sie mehr über die Natur in Värmland wissen möchte, können Sie eine Wildnistour mit einem lokalen Naturführer buchen.
In der nahen Umgebung können Sie auch im Sommer Langlauf fahren! Natürlich nicht draußen in der Natur, aber im Ski-Tunnel in Torsby.
Schwimmen können Sie direkt im Fluss am Campingplatz, im Hallenbad in Hagfors oder im Wassererlebnispark in Sunne.
An einigen Tagen im Sommer bieten wir auch Helikopterflüge an.
Canoe packages
Byns Camping is well known for its canoe rental service.
We offer everything from easy day tours on the best section of Klarälven to 2-10 day canoe experiences on the Svartälven, Rottnan and Klarälven rivers.
We can supply you with everything you will need for your canoe holiday including the best quality canoes, camping and safety equipment.
To see examples of our canoe packages
Click Here
Klarälvdalen area has some of the best fishing areas in Värmland.
We can provide fishing permits for Klarälven and a number of other great fishing spots.
There’s also a great sport fishing shop in the village that can help you with equipment and specialist advice.
Did you know that there is an on-going project to bring back salmon to Klarälven?
Quite a number of salmon were released into Klarälven during the summer of 2011, 54 were put into the water at the beach at Byns Camping.
Värmlands Moose Park
The first and only Moose Park in Värmland
Värmlands Moose Park is only a 10 minutes drive or a nice bicycle ride away from Byns Camping.
We offer a moose safari tour that gets you closer to the King of the Forest than anywhere else in the world. Here you’ll learn all about them. Walk away with great memories and a deeper understanding of the noble moose.
Book Tickets click here
Klarälves Banan
The quiet local roads and tracks are great for exploring by cycle. Byns Camping is located next to ‘Klarälvs Banan’, a 220km sign posted cycle path stretching from Sysslebäck to Karlstad.
We can provide you with maps of some of the best trails in the local area from our reception.
Cycling is also a perfect way to visit attractions in the area.
Why not make a day trip and cycle to Värmlands Moose Park.
For more information on the cycle path click here….
Hiking and Walking
Halgå Trail, Brattfallet
There are some excellent hiking trails around Byns Camping including Brattfallet.
This is a much loved area within the Klarälvdalen region.
It is has a beautiful waterfall and picnic areas close by.
The scenery is varied with mixed forest areas and old growth forests along the Vångan.
The Hålga Trail is one we recommend, it is varied and can be challenging even for advanced hikers at certain times of the year.
However, Brattfallet has something for everyone and is somewhere all our guests should go for a day.

Cross country ski
Want to cross country ski in the summer?
Torsby Ski tunnel offers just that! Around 2 km of indoor skiing.
Used by several National Teams.
Read More About Torsby Skitunnel
Swimming in the lakes and rivers of Värmland is a must.
There are chances to stop and take a swim at almost every lake and river in the whole of Sweden.
The lakes of Värmland area so pure that is is actually possible to drink the water straight from the lake.
You can of course take your morning dip from the beach at Byns Camping, or you can drive to Sunne’s Water Park ‘Vattenlandet’ and spend a day enjoying the facilities there.
Wildlife & Nature
We are lovers of nature and wildlife
and we think that this region offers fantastic opportunities to observe wildlife. Here in Värmland we have “the big six” – Moose, Bear, Wolf, Lynx, Golden Eagles and the Wolverine.
Come into our reception and we can give you advice about the areas that are good for different types of animals, birds and plants in the local area.
Want to go on a beaver safari?
We also have good relationships with local guides who can offer a more complete and immersive package if you are looking for a more in-depth wildlife experience or safari.
Come into our reception and see what we have available.
This region isn’t just forests, lakes and rivers.
There is a wealth of cultural sites of interest to visit. There’s something here that can intrigue and capture anyone’s imagination and wonder.
Here is a selection of sites that we think you should take a look at whilst you are here.
Monica zetterlund museum
Sandgrund Lars Lerin
Värmlands Musuem
Mårbacka Selma Lagerlöv
Ekshärad church
Dalby Church
Out into the forest
Do you like the idea of riding a horse through a Pine Forest in the early morning overlooking the valley and the river below?
In the local area of Byns Camping there are multiple horse ranches where you can enjoy horseback riding.
Just pop into the reception and we can help you sort out your horse riding experience.
What Our Clients Says

Premier Services
EQUIPMENT | PERIOD (days) | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Extra Day | |
Klarälven | 1090 | 1450 | 1815 | 2180 | 2540 | 2905 | 385 |
Svartälven | - | 2060 | 2420 | 2845 | 3270 | 3630 | 435 |
Rottnan | - | 1940 | 2300 | 2600 | - | - | 435 |

Transport Charges
Edebäck | Byns Camping | 300 |
Byns Camping | Fastnas | 400 |
Byns Camping | Stöllet | 654 |
Byns Camping | Ambjörby | 870 |
Byns Camping | Likenäs or Branäs | 1014 |
Byns Camping | Sysslebäck | 1164 |
Byns Camping | Svartälven Return | 2400 |
Byns Camping | Rottnan Return | 2400 |

Canoe Hire
EQUIPMENT | PERIOD (days) | |||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Extra Day | |
Standard Canoe | 400 | 630 | 885 | 1140 | 1330 | 1520 | 1705 | 200 |
Large Canoe | 500 | 760 | 1015 | 1265 | 1455 | 1645 | 1835 | 225 |
Family Canoe | 700 | 1265 | 1770 | 2280 | 2780 | 3290 | 3795 | 505 |
4 day Klarälven Family Package | 3850 kroner incl. canoe, tipi tent and transport | |||||||
Waterproof barrel | 40 kroner per day | |||||||
Transport wheels | 50 kroner per day | |||||||
Waterproof stuff sack | 50 kroner per day |

Prices Cabin
2 bed CABIN | 400 SEK/night |
4 bed CABIN | 700 SEK/night |

Prices Tent, Caravan or Motorhome
TENT | 200 SEK/night |
ELECTRIC | 50 SEK/night |
DRYER | 30 SEK |

2 BED CABIN | 400 SEK/night |
4 BED CABIN | 700 SEK/night |
TENT | 200 SEK/night |
CAMPSITE OPEN (26/05 to 03/09)
Reception open: | 8.30 to 11.00 & 16.30 to 19.00 hrs |
HIGH SEASON (01/07 to 14/08)
Reception open: | 8.30 to 21.00 hrs |
Stuga: | 2 night minimum for race |

Day Tours
Regular Canoe, suitable for 2 guests
800Kr – Includes Transport
Large Canoe, suitable for 3 or 4 guests
1000Kr – Includes Transport
Extra Large Canoe, suitable for 5 guests
1200Kr – Includes Transport
Klarälven Tours
Canoe day tour for 2 guests
Only 800Kr – Including Transport
4 day tour Branäs to Byns for 2 guests in standard canoe
Only 2354kr – Including Transport
4 days tour Branäs to Byn large canoe, room for more equipment (or the dog)
Only 2479kr
Big Canadian Family package 4 days Branäs to Byns
Only 3494kr – Including Transport
Svartälven Tours
2 guests Svartälven for 5 days
Only 4180kr – Including Transport and Wheels
Rottnan Tours
2 guests Rottnan 3 days
Only 3485kr – Including Transport